What is a Portal??
The word portal conjures up images of whirling and shimmering light opening up to otherworldly vistas through which angels can visit the Earth or saints can journey to heavenly realms. But what are portals spiritually? In our daily life we use doors to enter or exit a room or a house. Similarly, spiritual portals are subtle gateways that allow energy to pass to and from one dimension to another.
Portals in the natural world
Portals have existed in the natural world of phenomena since time immemorial, usually in places where magnetic energy gets concentrated.
These locations include river banks at points of confluence, waterfalls, caves, certain trees and at the top of mountains and hills.
Portals and places of worship
Man has often built temples, churches and shrines in areas with interdimensional connections to benefit from the flow of energy emanating from spiritual portals.
What are portals spiritually? A doorway for the world of matter to commune with spirit.
Most prayers, chants and rituals which are referred to as pagan are a means to tap into these energies. The rites involve offering something, whether tangible or intangible, to receive something else in return.
Portals and human beings
Portals can also come into existence by our actions.
Any place which is connected to strong emotions and intense experiences can create a vortex or magnetic pull. This vortex usually depicted as a spiral vacuum opens into the subtler dimensions beyond the space-time continuum.
It could occur in locations where saints and prophets have practiced penances, expressed their devotion to God and performed miracles. Great prophets are often mentioned in the scriptures as living spiritual portals as they have attained the state of emancipation.
Portals can also open on sites that have witnessed sorrow and suffering on a mass scale. Such locations include hospitals, cemeteries and battlefields or where natural catastrophes have occurred. That’s another reason why certain places attract specific incidents.
How are portals created?
Imagine you are pulling a cloth in opposite directions with extreme force. Eventually a weak spot will appear in the cloth as it frays and a tear will develop. Portals are created in a somewhat similar manner where some great force creates a distortion in the space-time continuum.
What are portals spiritually? A doorway that manifests from a concentration of intention, attention and visualization.
According to the scriptures, the portals
Originate in the third heaven or the causal sphere of motivations, intentions, beliefs and fundamental ideas
Opening into the second heaven or astral realms of energetic vibrations, volition and focused attention
Manifesting finally on the Earth or physical sphere as a door for the invoked forces