The Star Gate Crusader Retreat
“Empowering Heart-Centered Consciousness for Ascension 2024”
The term “STAR GATE” means just that: an otherworldly door or portal to outside realms, hidden within Earth’s and space’s magnetic fields, waiting to transport the enlightened traveler to a place beyond current time limitations.
While space seems to be the most likely location for these doorways to other universes, many places on planet Earth have also been attributed with special transportive capabilities.
On top of transportive capabilities, you’ll also find noticeable shifts in energy, different frequencies, and unexplained lights or sounds.
But little to no scientific evidence has supported the theory of ‘wormholes’ in outer space, much less within the Earth’s atmosphere.
It wasn’t until NASA’s Jack Scudder found a way to identify the elusive doorways floating between the Earth and the Sun.
Similar to an Einstein-Rosen Bridge, or ‘worm-hole’, the theory of formation of a space portal is that one occurs when space-time is distorted.
The distortion occurs either by the intense gravitational fields created by the collapse of a star, or by the mingling magnetic forces of the Earth and Sun crossing in space.
Violent solar winds have been known to enhance the distortions that occur.
Some of these portals are gaping holes for significantly sustained periods of time, while most are short-lived, yawning wide and re-closing several times in a day.
Theory and Places of “STAR GATES”
Not far from the Lake Titicaca is one of the most well-known and widely-suspected portals to another world.
The Gate of the Gods is an ancient site discovered in 1996 by a local tour guide, Jose Luis Delgado Mamani.
According to lore, the massive stone door was a portal through which heroes of the past entered to join their gods in the next life.
Stories also have it that a few of those heroes were able to return through the same door, accompanied by their holy gods, to inspect the world they’d left behind.
There are many places in the American Southwest that seem to offer some things a little beyond the ordinary.
A location worth mentioning is Sedona, Arizona.
This location feels naturally “spiritually charged.”
It’s difficult to argue — beautiful pillars of red-rock buttes, the scent of pines, “vortexes” of energy, and what’s known as the Doorway of the Gods.
This area brings a unique feeling to this place that differs from the surrounding countryside.
According to local legend, tunnels and gateways leading to other worlds exist all over Sedona.
Star people are purported to have entered and exited through the portals.
The Doorway itself is a large archway of red rock at the top of the mountain.
Some have seen blue light emanating from it, and there are even accounts of strange sounds like muted bells or thunder surrounding the rocks on days with clear blue skies.
The vortexes are also attributed with unique capabilities.
Formed from energy similar to that found in the human body, the shift in energy can be felt as a subtle vibration.
Those who experience the energy claim they sense peace, calmness and rejuvenation.
Many have noted feeling these subtle fluctuations in frequencies in the area. Although conclusive scientific testing or investigation hasn’t confirmed anything yet.
With this being said, you the participant are your own portal in which you can access your energy through the opening of the heart.
When we focus on what resides within ourselves, it lends us the capabilities to experience other worldly things.
Thus, we become the portal open to new information, new experiences and to realms beyond our earthly existence.