What is Channeling?

Channeling has been around since the time of recorded history. It is the communication of information to, or through a physically embodied human being from a source that is said to exist on some other level or dimension of reality other than the physical as we know it, and that is not from the normal mind (or self) of the channel.

This communication can take place with angelic beings, nature spirits, non-physical entities, extra-terrestrial beings/multi-dimensional beings or even animals and pets or a person’s Higher Self. A channeler is very similar to a language translator or interpreter. They allow themselves to sense the non-verbal communication from another being and then translate it into human words.

We live in a multidimensional universe, most commonly, the term channeling refers to communication with spirit guides, who are astral, and with high-plane teachers and entities who wish to establish communication with humanity. Although the universe contains an infinite variety of consciousness that could theoretically be channeled, in practice channels usually tune in to that with which they have a meaningful connection and which is well-suited to the channeling process.

A channeler can choose who or what they want to channel. As long as the other party has an interest in communicating, the link is made and the channeling can begin. For instance, many people channel Archangel Michael. If he agrees to communicate with the channeler, the flow of non-verbal information begins. The channeler receives the raw information at a high sensory level and then converts it into human language. A channeler can choose who or what they want to channel as long as the other party has an interest in communicating, the link is made and the channeling can begin.

What is “Full Trance Channeling?”

Perhaps the most perplexing kind of channeling, and yet the kind most popularized by the media, is what is called full trance. The medium or channel appears to go unconscious or into trance mediumship, and someone or something else appears to occupy the brain and the body and use it for speaking, writing, or moving about. Usually, when a trance channeling session is over and the individual regains normal consciousness, he or she cannot remember anything that occurred during the session.